Sharon Weilbaecher
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Awards & Honors


Born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, Sharon N. Weilbaecher has lived in New Orleans, La. since 1967.  She received her BFA degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder and her MA in Medical Illustration from the Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md.  She has been on the faculty of Johns Hopkins Medical School in the Medical Art Department and was Director of Medical Illustration at  both the Tulane Medical Center and Alton Ochsner Medical foundation in New Orleans, Louisiana until l976.  Sharon has had more than 800 illustrations published in medical and surgical journals and textbooks.   She has been exhibiting her art since l976.

Her work has been shown in galleries and museums throughout the United States including: The Forbes Magazine Galleries in New York City; the New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, La.;  the Windsor Court Hotel (solo), New Orleans, La.; the West Baton Rouge Museum in Louisiana;  Southeastern University, Hammond, La.;  The Crescent Gallery, New Orleans, La.; Wyndy Morehead Gallery, New Orleans, La.; Casa 'Arte, Shreveport, La;  World Trade Center, New Orleans, La; Leslie Levy Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona; Downtown Gallery, New Orleans, La; The John Pence Gallery, San Francisco; Grand Central Art Galleries, New York City; Percy H. Whiting Art Center, Fairhope, Alabama (solo);  Zigler Museum, Jennings, La. (solo); Reinike Gallery, New Orleans, La.

Weilbaecher has received numerous awards and honors in national competitions:   The New Orleans Museum of Art selected her as one of 10 artists honored at the Love in the Garden Fund Raiser, September 2010.   Other awards and honors include: The Presidents’s Award for “Ruffled Feathers”, National Arts Club’s Open Online Exhibit, New York,  2008; The House of Heydenryk Award, National Arts Club, New York, NY; Exhibiting Members Show, 2006; The Grumbacher Gold Medallion, National Arts Club, New York, NY;  Exhibiting Members Show, 2004; Finalist in AMERICAN ARTIST's "Realism Today" National Art Competition, 2000; Tara Materials Award, AMERICAN ARTIST's Golden Anniversary National Art Competition 1987; Norma Shumate Memorial Award, National Watercolor Oklahoma; Muriel McLatchiel Miller/Grumbacher Fine Arts Award, Association of Medical Illustrators, New Orleans, La., 1991;Sampson Feldman Visiting Scholar in Art as Applied to Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, l988.

Weilbaecher's paintings have appeared in American Artist  and its Watercolor Magazines in The Best of Watercolor 2010.  Watercolor Spring 2008, American Artist,” Realism Today”, October 2000, American Artist, April 1998; Watercolor 95 Winter ;  American Artist,  January 1989 (cover);  and American Artist  June 1987 (Golden Anniversary finalists). 

Weilbaecher's  work has also been featured in additional books and magazines, including EASY SOLUTIONS:COLOR MIXING, WATERCOLOR, by M. Stephen Doherty, Rockport Publishers, 1998 ; ARTS QUARTERLY of the New Orleans Museum of Art, Spring 1998; THE BEST OF WATERCOLOR 2, Rockport Publishers, 1997; PAINTING LIGHT AND SHADOW-WATERCOLOR, Rockport Publishers, 1997; NEW ORLEANS MAGAZINE, "Sharon Weilbaecher: Portraits of Amazing Grace" by John Kemp, June 1987.

Her paintings can be found in numerous private and corporate collections including: The White House; Forbes Collection, New York; Collection of Senator and Mrs. David Pryor, Little Rock, Ark; W.K. Kellog Foundation, Battle Creek, Michigan; New Orleans Museum of Art; The Historic New Orleans Collection; New Orleans Opera Association; Pennington Nutrition Center, Baton Rouge, La.

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All images on this website are © copyright Sharon Weilbaecher